Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Suggest a perfect webshell based on

After lots of work, GNY.Shell is ready to be released. It is based on Storm7Shell. GNY.Shell offers many new features, with a few listed below:
> Added IP:Port and PHP Proxy generation
> Removed all images (fewer entries in access logs)
> Added various scripts and loads more features
> Removed some unnecessary code
> Tons more for you to go test out the shell and find ;)

As you may notice, GNY.Shell is rather large at 569.85 KB. Personally, I see no difference in performance between this and smaller shells. Since I do know that many people will complain about the size, we have also created a "Lite Edition" with a few features removed to make a smaller version. This is not the one we are focusing on, and we will not release it unless there is an overwelming amount of feedback asking for it.
Also, GNY.Shell is unfortunately detected as a PHP Shell by various anti-virus programs. This is something that we could have tried harder to avoid (with code obfuscation), but releasing it without being encoded follows our belief in open-source. This way, anyone, even those who would have been unable to reverse the encoding, are able to see the source of GNY.Shell.

The shell is available here and below. To contact us in matters relating to the shell, you can find us in our IRC Channel and we will be happy to talk about whatever feedback you have. Thanks for taking the time to check out GNY.Shell, and we hope you enjoy it!

> sToRm - Various code, ideas, and support, along with Storm7Shell that GNY.Shell is based upon.
> oXiKoTToN - Ideas, support, testing, and being the "Project Manager" who helped get a lot of stuff done.
> Raz0r - Gave cPanel Finder source.
> Romnous - Gave RFI/LFI Finder source.
> Sean - Gave us a bunch of ideas at some point.
> RoMeO - After initial release, provided great feedback which resulted in some updates
> Everyone who ever worked on a shell of which GNY.Shell has been built upon (Storm7Shell, Locus7Shell, etc., etc.)
> Did I forget you? Lemme know and I will throw you in ;)


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